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World Trigger Wiki
World Trigger Wiki

Jin is an A-Rank (former S-Rank) Border agent, as well as a member of the Tamakoma Branch; as such, he is very powerful. He is able to take on various Trion Warriors on his own at the same time.[1] Although part of his strength is owed to his Side Effect, Jin boasts a high level of skill. For the purposes of defense missions, he is considered the equivalent of one unit by himself.[BBF Q218] Using Scorpion, he is strong enough to fight on equal ground against Hyuse, who is a very skilled combatant in his own right possessing one of Aftokrator's Enhanced Triggers. Jin's fighting prowess with Kogetsu made him second only to Tachikawa,[2] Border's current highest ranked Attacker and solo fighter. After the creation of Scorpion, all their fights started ending in ties.[2] He retains a high level of skill even with a normal blade, however, as shown by his ability to fend off Tachikawa and all of Kazama Unit with a sealed Fūjin. Since he can predict the enemy's attacks, instead of blocking he can simply dodge them or avert the trajectory.[3] His Side Effects also makes him a very hard target for Snipers, as he can foretell where they will attack him from. If he perceives an enemy can be agitated easily, he can use his predictions to manipulate them.[3] He can integrate elements of hand-to-hand combat in his swordsmanship, using his legs to throw an opponent off balance or if they get too close. Futher proof of his strength is the fact that he was able to defeat Tachikawa and all of Kazama Unit with his Black Trigger.

Side Effect

Foresight: Jin is able to see some of the near potential futures of people around him, but is unable to see the future of people he hasn't met. He can use this ability in battle, and it works especially well in conjunction with Fūjin. However, he does not see everything and cannot predict certain attacks. The exact details of this weakness are unknown. According to the author in a Q&A, he can see several years into the future that's pretty certain (high probability of actualization). But he can't see very far into uncertain futures that might be tinkered with.


Yūichi Jin's Triggers
Type White trion Normal Scorpion
Jin Scorpion

Classification AT Attacker
Scorpion was developed by Jin with the help of Michael Cronin - Tamakoma Branch's Chief Engineer.[citation needed] It allowed him to finally be Tachikawa's equal in swordsmanship[citation needed] as well as to swiftly defeat all Fūjin candidates.[citation needed] Jin's basic fighting style sees him wielding two Scorpions, quickly stepping in range and attacking.[4] Thus far, he has never used any of Scorpion's special abilities, simply wielding it like a dagger. Thanks to his Side Effect he has the ability to see incoming attacks which lets him deflect attacks instead of needing to blocking[5][4]. His skill at deflecting is so great he was able to defelct incoming bullets shot by Lampyris even at multiple angles at once in the dark.[5]
Type White trion Normal Escudo
Jin Escudo barricade

Classification Defense Defense
Jin uses this trigger to block a target's path by summoning multiple at once[6], or to restrain them by putting them between two Escudos.[7] Jin is first shown using Escudo in Chapter 64 (Episode 29 in the anime).
Type Black trion Black Fūjin
EP74 Fujin Fūjin used to be Jin's main Trigger, but he is still able to use it at HQ's digression.[citation needed] Jin produced about 11 ribbons of light with Fūjin during his fight with the Top Teams.[citation needed] With his Side Effect, Jin can lay elaborate traps with Fūjin and escape danger while recharging slashes.[citation needed]
Type White trion Normal Kogetsu
Jin Kogetsu

Classification AT Attacker
Jin was extremely proficient with it, reaching the position of no.2 Attacker and Solo Combatant.[8] However, he knew he could not beat Tachikawa with it, and so he created Scorpion, which made them even, but it should be noted Tachikawa had more wins overall.[8]


Normal Trigger

Reference Trion Attack Defense/Support Mobility Skill Range Command Special Tactics Total
{{{Trion}}} {{{Attack}}} {{{Defense}}} {{{Skill}}} {{{Range}}} {{{Command}}} {{{Sptactics}}} {{{Total}}}

Black Trigger

Reference Trion Attack Defense/Support Mobility Skill Range Command Special Tactics Total
{{{Trion}}} {{{Attack}}} {{{Defense}}} {{{Skill}}} {{{Range}}} {{{Command}}} {{{Sptactics}}} {{{Total}}}


  1. World Trigger Manga Chapter 9 (p. 18)
  2. 2.0 2.1 World Trigger Manga Chapter 27 (p. 10)
  3. 3.0 3.1 World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 99)
  4. 4.0 4.1 World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 99)
  5. 5.0 5.1 World Trigger Manga Chapter 65 (p. 3-5)
  6. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 8 Chapter 64 (p. 7) and Episode 29.
  7. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 8 Chapter 65 (p. 8-9) and Episode 29.
  8. 8.0 8.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 4 Chapter 27 (p. 8-11) and Episode 14.